Advanced Properties

Figure 1 - Show Advanced Properties

There are two ways to designate an individual Output, each with its own @RISK window. The basic method involves only providing an Output Name when designating the cell as an Output; the advanced method uses the Advanced Properties window and enables additional configurations for the Output. The Settings/Actions command button will toggle between the two modes, using the 'Show Advanced Properties' option (Figure 1, right).

The Advanced Properties window is split into three tabs:

  • Options - Primary configuration for the Output, including Name and other formatting values. See Output Options for more information.
  • Convergence - Define Convergence settings for the Output; these settings override the Simulation Settings for Convergence. See Convergence Settings for more information.
  • Six Sigma - Options for setting Capability Metrics values and tolerances when using Six Sigma methodology for the Output; see Six Sigma Settings for more information on the Advanced Properties tab.