Define Filters Window

The Define Filters window lists all elements of a model with their filter configuration; existing filters can be edited and new filters created directly from the window. If a simulation run includes multiple simulations, every element will be listed for each simulation (each element will be listed at least twice), with the simulation name in the Simulation column of the table. Within the Filter Settings table, individual filters can be added or modified.

To view filters for all elements of a model, use the Define Filters command in the Explore Menu, or the Define Filters shortcut button ( ) in the ribbon. The Define Filters window (Figure 1, right) will open.

Check the box for 'Enable Filters for Simulation Results' to add filters to a model; this box will be checked if any filters have been added to a model through a single filter (see Filtering Results).

Figura 1 - Define Filters Window

Define Filters Window

The Define Filters window contains the following primary components:

  1. Enable Filters Toggle
  2. Filter Settings Table
  3. Filter Description
  4. Command Buttons

Filter Settings

The Filter Settings table lists all elements of the model and the current filter configuration for each. Each element is a row in the table; when a simulation run includes multiple simulations, a row will be created for each element and simulation, as filters can be applied differently for an element between simulations. The table includes the following columns:

  • Name - The name of the element.
  • Simulation - Only visible when viewing a simulation run that included multiple simulations. The name of the simulation for the element.
  • Cell - The cell reference for the element.
  • Type - The filter type for the element.
  • Using - The method of filtering, either Values or Percentiles.
  • Minimum - The lower bound of the filter.
  • Maximum - The upper bound of the filter.

Filter Description

The bottom panel of the Define Filters window includes a description of the currently selected element and how that element is being affected by any filters that are active; this includes any Iteration filters that have been applied to other elements. The description includes:

  • Current - Details about the currently selected element, including its name, the simulation of the element, and statistics about the element (Minimum, Maximum, and Mean).
  • Filter - A description of how the element is being filtered, either directly, or indirectly through an Iteration filter on another element.

Define Filters Command Buttons

The Command Buttons for Define Filters window include:

  • Help - Open help resources (online or local, based on @RISK settings); see Help Button for more information.
  • Select Simulation # to Display - Only active when viewing simulation results that include multiple simulations. Switch between simulations, or select 'All Simulations' to view combined results.
  • Settings/Actions - Window-specific setting options and commands. The Define Filters Settings/Actions are:
    • Multiple elements can selected in the Filter Settings table by holding 'Ctrl' (for selecting non-contiguous items) or 'Shift' (for selecting a range) and clicking.

    • Clear Selected Filter(s) - Completely remove any filter defined for the selected element or elements.
    • Clear All Filters - Completely remove all filters from the model.
    • Only Show Items With Filters - Hide table rows that don't have a filter configured; this will include elements whose filters are currently Disabled.
    • Same Filter for All Simulations - Only active when viewing simulation results that include multiple simulations. When toggled, any new filters created on an element will be applied identically across all simulations.
    • Enabling this option will not duplicate existing filters; to duplicate existing filters, disable the filter to be duplicated and then re-enable it.

    • Group Rows By > Data Type - Enable this option to group elements by their type (Inputs, Outputs, etc.) in collapsible containers within the Define Filters window.
    • Collapse - Collapse the Filter Settings list. All containers will be collapsed to hide their contents.
    • Expand - Expand the Filter Settings list. All containers will be expanded to show their contents.
    • Find - Open the Find panel (Figure 2, below) at the top of Filter Settings list. The Find function will filter the list of elements by the values for any column.
    • Figura 2 - Define Filters - Find Panel