Model Edit Options

The editing options for a selected element in the Model list are available two ways. The first is by right-clicking the element in the list to open a context menu, which includes the editing options detailed below. The second is through the Edit Options command button located at the bottom of the Model window. Either method will provide the same options for working with the selected element or elements.

Please note: the commands available in the Edit Options menus will change based on the type of element currently selected. The sections below detail which options are available for which elements, and how those commands work.

Figura 1 - Model List Context Menu

Additionally, the context menu (Figure 1, right) available when right-clicking on an element in the Model list includes a few options that are not available in the Edit Options command button. The last three commands - 'Select All', 'Copy Selection', and 'Copy with Headers' - are only available in this menu.

See Model List for details on these three commands.

Input Edit Options

Inputs are generally included under the Inputs tab of the Model window; however, if the workbook includes correlations, inputs that are included in correlations or copulas will also be listed under the Correlations tab. Accessing an input through either tab is identical in both process and in results.

Clicking 'OK' or 'Cancel' in a window opened through the Model window will close that window and return to the Model window!

The following options are available for Inputs:

  • Edit in @RISK - Open the input for editing using the appropriate @RISK window; probability distributions will open with the Define Distribution window and time series models will open with the Define Time Series window.
  • Edit Function in Excel - Open the function in a dialog box for manual editing.
  • Remove - Remove the element from the @RISK model entirely. This deletes the @RISK function entirely and will replace the input with its static or expected value.
  • Lock Input Sampling - Select this option to prevent sampling of the input when a simulation is run. This will add a lock icon to the element row in the Model Window.
  • Collect Distribution Samples - Select this option to include the distribution when 'Inputs Marked with Collect' is selected in Simulation Settings. See Sampling Settings for more information.
  • Assign to Category - Open the Input Categories window (Figure 2, right) and assign the input to a category. Available options include:
    • Auto - This will assign a category based on either the row or column heading for the input (see Model List Settings for more information).
    • Specific - Manually add or edit the input category, including the use of a cell reference for the category name.
    • Using the 'Specific' option will add the @RISK property function RiskCategory to the input.

  • Correlate - Add the input to a new correlation matrix or copula, or edit the existing correlation matrix or copula if the input is already a part of one.
    • Create New Correlation Matrix or Edit Correlation Matrix - Opens Define Correlation window for defining a new correlation matrix and adding the selected input(s), or opens the window to edit an existing correlation matrix.
    • Create New Copula or Edit Copula - Opens Define Copula window for defining a new copula and adding the selected input(s), or opens the window to edit an existing copula.
    • Please note, if two or more inputs are selected in the Model List, these options will create a new matrix with all selected inputs included in the matrix.

    • Remove Input - If the input is already a part of a correlation matrix or a copula, remove its correlation function (which removes it from the matrix or copula).

Output Edit Options

All designated @RISK Outputs will be listed under the Outputs tab of the Model window. The following options are available for Outputs:

  • Edit in @RISK - Open the Output for editing in the @RISK Edit Output window.
  • Edit Function in Excel - Open the function in a dialog box for manual editing.
  • Remove - Remove the element from the @RISK model entirely. This deletes the @RISK function (the RiskOutput function for Outputs) entirely from the cell formula.

Correlation Edit Options

The Correlations tab includes all correlation matrices and copulas that have been defined in the model. Correlations and copulas will always display as a set of nested elements in the Model List, with the correlation or copula as the container and the included inputs listed below it. When an input is selected, the Edit Options are identical to those listed above under Input Edit Options. When a correlation or copula is selected, the options available are:

  • Edit in @RISK - Open the correlation or copula for editing in the @RISK Define Correlations or Define Copula window.
  • Remove - Removes the correlation or copula from the @RISK model entirely.
  • This command will remove the RiskCorrmat or the RiskCopula property function from the Input; it will not delete the Input itself!

Statistic Function Edit Options

The Statistic Function tab lists all other @RISK statistics functions that have been added to the model. The available options are:

  • Edit in Excel - Opens the Excel Function Wizard for the element's statistic function; this window includes options for modifying specific arguments, preview of the function results, and a description of the function.
  • Edit Function in Excel - Open the function in a dialog box for manual editing.
  • Remove - Remove the element from the @RISK model entirely. This deletes the @RISK function entirely and will replace the function with the value that existed when the function was removed.