Preferences Menu

The @RISK preferences configure how the @RISK application itself operates. For example, preferences can be set to specify the size of @RISK’s windows when they are first displayed, and control how to format various graphs and reports. The Preferences Menu has the following options:

  • General Preferences - Overall application settings including language, save behavior, and which version of help to use (online or local CHM). See General Preferences.
  • Graphing Preferences - All options for formatting the various graph components (colors, labels, etc.) for the five types of @RISK graphs. See Graphing Preferences.
  • Color Cells Preferences - Formatting options for applying colors to cells that contain @RISK functions. See Color Cells Preferences.
  • Reset Preferences and Defaults - Reset all preferences and defaults to the original Palisade configuration. See Preferences vs. Defaults for more information.