Distribution Formats

When creating a distribution in the Distribution Artist, there are several options available for its format. The format can be chosen in the original configuration, or it can be changed when editing the distribution graph (see Distribution Artist Command Buttons). The format for the distribution will determine both the type of graph and the @RISK distribution function that is created by the Distribution Artist when the function is inserted into Excel. The options, including which function is created, are:

  • Probability Density (General) - This option will use the @RISK function RiskGeneral.
  • Probability Density (Histogram) - This option will use the @RISK function RiskHistogram.
  • Cumulative Ascending - This option will use the @RISK function RiskCumul.
  • Cumulative Descending - This option will use the @RISK function RiskCumulD.
  • Discrete Probability - This option will use the @RISK function RiskDiscrete.