Distribution Artist Command Buttons

The Command Buttons for the Distribution Artist window include:

  • Help - Open help resources (online or local, based on @RISK settings); see Help Button for more information.
  • Distribution Format -The Distribution Format button will change based on the currently selected format (e.g. when using a 'Probability Density (Histogram)' graph, the button will show that icon. The options are:
    • Probability Density (General)
    • Probability Density (Histogram)
    • Cumulative Ascending
    • Cumulative Descending
    • Discrete Probability
  • Draw New Curve - Open the Distribution Artist Options window to start drawing a new curve.
  • This option will clear the current graph!

  • Export - Commands for exporting the current graph and legend; see Export Button for more information.
  • Write to Cell - Command for writing the generated @RISK function to a location in Excel.