Schedule Audit
The Schedule Audit command checks a project schedule to identify model logic issues that can affect the results of a risk analysis.
Many issues or omissions in the way a project schedule is defined can impact the results of a simulation. For example, if a predecessor-successor link between two tasks is missing, changes in task durations during simulation might not propagate through a schedule. Constraints can also affect simulation results. For example, if a task has a Start No Earlier Than constraint, simulated schedule changes might not impact the task, because it cannot start earlier than the entered date.
Reviewing and correcting problems identified by the Schedule Audit before a risk analysis is essential. Some identified issues might not require change, as they may be needed to schedule the project accurately. However, other issues might be errors introduced when scheduling the project and should be corrected (even if not performing a simulation).

See Schedule Audit Settings to understand the type of issues analyzed and reported.