Explore Menu

The Explore menu includes numerous options for viewing simulation results, including several types of graphs and views of detailed data. The menu has the following options and option groups:

  • Browse Results - Open the Browse Results window to view the results for individual inputs or outputs. See Browse Results.
  • Results Summary - Open the Results Summary window, containing summary data for all inputs, outputs, and statistic functions in the model. See Results Summary.
  • Define Filters - Open the Define Filters window where all filters currently applied to inputs or outputs can be viewed, modified, or removed. See Defining Filters.
  • Simulation Graphs - This option group contains shortcuts to quickly creating various types of graphs for analysis of selected inputs or outputs. See Simulation Graphs.
  • The first three options under the Simulation Graphs section will each open a Browse Results window for the selected element (or if an @RISK element is not active, will prompt for an element to be chosen). These options are shortcuts to the various views available from the Browse Results Command Buttons.

  • The last two options - Scatter Plotand Summary Graphs (which includes Summary Box Plot, Summary Trend, and Summary Letter Value graphing options) - are separate views. See their respective pages for more information.
  • Simulation Details - This option group contains commands to detailed views of the simulation data. See Simulation Details.