Fit Results Command Buttons

The Time Series Fit Results window includes the following command buttons:

  • Help - Open help resources (online or local, based on @RISK settings); see Help Button for more information.
  • Settings/Actions - Window-specific settings and actions. The Time Series Fit Results options are:
    • Fit Ranking - Switch between the Best Fit Selection method results that are displayed in the Fit Results window; 'Name' will remove the ranking method from the list.
    • Graph Formatting Options - Opens the Graph Options dialog; more information on formatting graphs starts in Graphing in @RISK.
    • Reset Graph to Defaults - Remove all formatting options and reset the graph display to the @RISK defaults.
    • Change Number of Elements - Only available when Synchronization (below) is set to 'Last Values of Dataset'.
    • Synchronization - Switch between displaying the projected data at the start and end of this historic data.
    • Hide the Sample Path - Remove the sample path (the red line) from the graph.
  • Animate Simulated Profile - Resample the time series distribution using the current configuration and display the results in the Graph Panel. This will "animate" the graph, updating the graph every few seconds to show new results.
  • Export - Commands for exporting the current graph and legend; see Export Button for more information.
  • Back - Go back to the Time Series Fitting configuration window.
  • Write To Excel - Write a selected fitted model (as an @RISK function) to a location in Excel. The process for writing a time series function to an Excel worksheet is nearly identical to the process for a standard fit; see Write to Excel for more information.

There is one major difference between writing a fitted distribution to an Excel worksheet and writing a time series fit to a worksheet - the number of cells that the function will occupy. With a standard fit, generally the distribution will occupy a single cell. However, because time series functions are array formulas in Excel, the 'Write to Excel' process will select a range of cells when inserting a time series. The number of cells selected when inserting the function will be the number of array elements created; if the fit was configured with a specific value for 'Number of Elements', @RISK will default to a range with that many cells.