Getting Around @RISK

The @RISK Ribbon

Figure 1 - @RISK Tab

When the @RISK add-in is loaded in Excel, the @RISK ribbon will be added to the tabs at the top of the application window (Figure 1, right). The @RISK ribbon gives access to all @RISK functionality, and is organized into sections, from left to right, following the overall process of building a model - Define, Simulate, Analyze.

The @RISK ribbon consists of the following sections:

  • @RISK Menu - Options related to the @RISK application, licenses, and other documentation.
  • Define Section - All functions related to defining the components of a model, including inputs, outputs, and other functions.
  • Simulation Section - All functions related to the configuration and running of simulations, including sampling, convergence, and iterations.
  • Results Section - Browse and report on simulation results.
  • Tools Section - Optimization, data viewing, and other @RISK utility functions.
  • Application Section - @RISK preferences, example files, and other help resources.

The @RISK Command Buttons

At the bottom of most @RISK windows are the Command Buttons; the Command Buttons can include menus and options related to the current window. Please note: not every window contains all of the buttons detailed below. For example, the Define Time Series window (Figure 1, below) has the Help, Settings, and Animate Sample Path buttons to the left and the Export button to the right; whereas the Define Distribution window (Figure 2, below) has the Help, Overlays, Settings/Actions, and Distribution Display Format buttons to the left, and the Export button to the right.

Figure 2 - Define Time Series Window

Figure 3 - Define Distribution Window

Buttons that are specific to only one window are detailed in the sections for those functions. The buttons that are common across nearly every window are described below.

Help Button

The Help button will open help resources based on the current preferences set for @RISK - either the online help, located at, or a local copy of the help using the Microsoft Help Viewer. Wherever possible, the Help button uses context-sensitive help and will open either version (online or local) to the page most closely related to the window or dialog box in which the button was clicked.

Figure 4 - Export Menu

Settings/Actions Button

The exact options available under the Settings/Actions button will change between @RISK windows. See the documentation on the specific window for more information about the Settings/Actions button and which options it contains.

Export Button

Many windows in @RISK contain the Export button, which includes options for sending the contents of the window somewhere else - to Excel, to a printer, to the clipboard, etc. The exact contents of the Export menu depends on the specific window in question.

Windows that Display Graphs

Windows that display graphs have a standard set of exporting options. See Exporting Graphs for more information.

Windows that Display Tables

Windows that display tables generally have some or all of the following options: 

  • Copy Data - Copies the entire contents of the table to the clipboard, excluding the header information at the top of the window.
  • Copy Data with Headers - Copies the entire contents of the table to the clipboard, including the header information at the top of the window.
  • Print Table - Sends the contents of the table directly to the printer.
  • Save as PDF File - Creates a Portable Document Format (PDF) file including the contents of the table.
  • Export to Excel - Exports the contents of the table to either a new Excel workbook, or as one or more new worksheets in the currently active workbook.