Saving Simulation Data

After a simulation is complete, each output in the model has data associated with it corresponding to its calculated value for each iteration. Likewise, each @RISK input will usually have data similarly associated with it. This data is used to generate all the @RISK graphs, statistics, and reports for each output and input, as well as to calculate sensitivity results. For these results to still be available when a model is saved and later reopened, the simulation data needs to be saved. @RISK allows simulation data to be saved in two locations: directly in a workbook model or to an external simulation file.

Figura 1 - Save Simulation Data Window

By default, @RISK will display the Save Simulation Data window (Figure 1, right) the first time a workbook with @RISK results associated with it is saved after a simulation is run. The top section contains a summary of the simulation data including its overall size. The bottom section offers a choice on how that data should be saved.

Once a choice in this dialog has been made for a given workbook, @RISK will remember the selection for subsequent simulations of the same model workbook.

The @RISK General Preference dialog allows this dialog to be suppressed; see the Results section of General Preferences for more information.

The save options are:

  • Directly in the Workbook - The data will be stored in a hidden worksheet associated with the model. This is the default option.
  • To an External File - The data will be written into a separate file. This option is useful if the amount of data is very large. The ellipsis button to the right allows the location of the simulation file to be specified. By default it will have the same name and file location as the workbook (but with the file extension .RSK5).
  • If the default save location is used, the data will be opened automatically by @RISK when the model workbook is opened. Otherwise, use the Open Simulation File from the Utilities drop-down list to manually open an .RSK5 file.

  • Don’t Save Simulation Data – the data will not be stored. A simulation can always be rerun to generate a new set of results.