Graphing Options

Figura 1 - Graph Options - Title Tab

The most comprehensive way to format a graph is by using the Graph Options dialog, which allows for customizations of graph colors, fonts, axis scaling, displayed statistics, and many other options. This window is accessible from the Settings/Action button of any window that displays a graph. It can also be accessed quickly from any graph’s right-click menu.

The Graph Options window contains a large number of tabs, each with a large number of options. Certain tabs will be displayed for every type of graph, while others are shown or modified depending on the details of what the graph contains.

These tabs are common to most graphs:

These tabs apply only to particular types of graphs:

Automatic Options

Figura 2 - Auto Toggle

Many of the options groups in the Graph Options dialogs include an 'Auto' option (Figure 2, left). The 'Auto' option is toggled by default; to modify the options set automatically, untoggle the option and the other options within the panel will be editable.