Distribution Tab

Figura 1 - Graph Options Distribution Tab

The Distribution Tab controls how distributions will be formatted for display in a graph. See Distribution Graphs for more information on this graph type.

The following options are available:

  • Distribution Format - This group contains options that control the distribution display format. See Distribution Display Formats for more information on each format.
  • Histogram Binning - This option group enables control of how distributed data is binned for display in histogram graphs. See Histogram Binning for more information.
    • Minimum - Sets the minimum value where the left-most histogram bin starts. 'Automatic' specifies that @RISK will match this value to the minimum data value.
    • Maximum - Sets the maximum value where the right-most histogram bin ends. 'Automatic' specifies that @RISK will match this value to the maximum data value.
    • Number of Bins - Sets the number of histogram bins. The value must be in the range 2 to 200. The setting 'Automatic' specifies that @RISK should choose the number of bins automatically based on an internal heuristic.
    • Overlays - Specifies how @RISK will align bins between distributions when multiple histograms are shown on the same graph. The options are:
      • Single Histogram - The entire range of data for all the curves is binned, and each curve in the graph uses these same bins, which allows easy comparisons.
      • Single Histogram with Adjusted Limits - This is the same as the Single Histogram option except at the endpoints of each curve. Smaller or larger bins are used at the endpoints to ensure that the graphs accurately indicate the full extent of each histogram.
      • Independent Histograms - Each curve uses independent binning based on its own data range.
      • Automatic - Selects either Single Histogram with Adjusted Limits or Independent Histograms, depending on the overlap of the data between curves. Curves with sufficient data overlap will use Single Histogram with Adjusted Limits.