Stress Analysis Options

Figure 1 - Stress Options Window

Further configurations can be made for a Stress Analysis simulation, including how inputs will be stressed, what components to include in the results, and where the Stress Analysis reports will be placed. Click the Options button in the Stress Analysis window to open the Stress Options window (Figure 1, right).

The configurations available are:

  • Multiple Inputs - When multiple inputs are defined, determine how each input should be stressed.
    • Stress Each Input in its Own Simulation - A full simulation will be run for each stress range entered.
    • The only change made to the model during an individual simulation will be the stressing of a single input.

      The number of simulations run will equal the number of stress ranges entered.

    • Stress All Inputs in a Single Simulation - A single simulation will be run using all stress ranges entered. The simulation results will combine the effects of all stress ranges.
  • Reports - Choose which reports and graphs to generate at the end of the stress simulations. See Stress Analysis Results for information on the available report options.
  • Place Reports in - Configure where the generated reports should be placed - a new workbook or to a new worksheet at the end of the active workbook.