Stopping Options Tab

Figure 1 - Evolver Watcher - Stopping Options Tab

When an optimization completes due to stopping conditions, or the Stop button is clicked, the Stopping Options tab is activated. This tab includes the options available for updating the Excel worksheet with the best calculated values for adjustable cells, restoring original values, and generating various summary reports.

When selecting reports to generate, all selected reports will be added to a new workbook.

The Optimization Completed section includes the option to Restore Original Adjustable Cell Values. If this option is selected, the original values will be restored when the OK button is clicked.

Please note: original cell values can be restored at any point by selecting 'Reset' from the Utilities menu.

The Reports to Generate section includes options to include the following reports in the analysis results:

  • Optimization Summary - This summary report contains information such as date and time of the run, the optimization settings used, the value calculated for the target cell, and the value for each of the adjustable cells. 
  • Log of All Trials - This report logs the results of all trials performed. Values in magenta indicate that a constraint was not met.
  • Log of Progress Steps - This report logs the results of all trials that improved the target cell value.

The same options are also available from the Reports menu on the Evover ribbon.