Log Tab

Figure 1 - Evolver Watcher - Log Tab

The Log tab displays a summary table of each trial run during the optimization. The log includes the results for the target cell, each adjustable cell, and all constraints.

The Show option at the top of the tab selects which trials to display in the table: 

  • All Trials - All trials that have completed so far.
  • Progress Steps - Only those trials where there was progress. That is, where the target cell value improved

The log includes:

  • Trial - The number of the trial.
  • Elapsed Time - The time stamp at which the trial took place relative to the start of the optimization.
  • Result.  The trial value of the target cell being optimized (including penalties for soft constraints).
  • Input columns.  The trial values for the adjustable cells.
  • Constraint columns - Columns indicating whether the constraints were satisfied for the trial.