Report Menu

The Reports Menu contains a large collection of both summary and detailed reports based on the results of a simulation. Reports can be written to PDF files, Excel workbooks, or sent directly to the printer.

There are six broad classifications of basic reports:

  • Output Reports - Graphical and statistical summaries of the simulated outputs in a model.
  • Input Reports - Graphical and statistical summaries of the simulated inputs in a model.
  • Summary Statistics - Tabulated summary statistics for the simulated results of a model
  • Detailed Statistics - Tabulated detailed statistics for the simulated results of a model.
  • Sensitivities - Graphical and statistical analyses showing which inputs are the driving factors for the outputs.
  • Scenarios - Graphical and statistical analyses showing which inputs are key factors in reaching various desirable output scenarios.
  • Simulation Data - Iteration data, including thumbnail graphs, number of values filtered, and number of errors, for selected simulations.

In addition, there are two special reports:

  • Template Sheets - Allows the creation of a custom worksheet report, making use of @RISK graphs and statistic functions.
  • Multiple - Allows any of the reports above to be combined into a single report.