Summary Manager

Figure 1 - Summary Manager

The Summary Manager (Figure 1, right) enables the configuration of elements included in a Summary Graph (either a Summary Trend or Summary Box Plot graph). @RISK inputs and outputs can be added to the summary graph, and the order of elements in the graph can be rearranged.

The Summary Manager contains a table consisting of one row for each element displayed on the graph. Its columns include:

  • Type – The type of element being displayed, either an Output or an Input.
  • Cell – The cell that contains the item being graphed.
  • Name – The name of the input or output.

There are four buttons to the right of the Summary Manager:

  • Add – Adds one or more new elements to the list.
  • Delete – Deletes the selected element(s) from the list.
  • Move Up/Move Down –These buttons arrange the ordering of elements on the graph.