Statistical Summary

Figure 1 - Statistical Summary View

The Statistical Summary view (Figure 1, right) of the Fit Results window displays the calculated statistics and other information for all fitted distributions that were tested during the fitting process.

The Statistical Summary view can include a large amount of data, especially if bootstrapping was included in the fitting process. It is recommended to maximize the window. Additionally, resizing a column will resize all columns to match.

The data displayed includes a graph of the data overlaid with the distribution function graph, as well as the following categories of data:

  • Function - The distribution function and calculated parameter values. When a fit is used as an input to an @RISK model, this is the distribution function that will be placed in the formula.
  • Method - The method used for fitting; see Fitting Methods for more information.
  • Ranking by Fit Statistic - For each of the ranking methods, the specific rank for the fitted distribution.
  • Please note that any distributions that are determined to be Questionable Fits will not be included in the Statistical Summary and cannot be added to these results.

  • Parameters (Bootstrap Only) - Confidence intervals for the fitted parameters for each distribution.
  • Distribution Statistics - The statistics for the fitted distribution (e.g. Minimum, Maximum, Mean, etc.).
  • Percentiles - The probabilities of achieving specific outcomes at various probability levels.
  • Information Criteria - The AIC, BIC, and Average Log-Likelihood values.

For Chi-Squared Test, K-S, and A-D options, the statistics also include:

  • Chi-Sqaured Test (Binning Information) - The statistics for each bin used in the chi-squared tests.
  • Chi-Squared Test - The test value, p-value, and critical values for various significance levels for the chi-squared tests.
  • Anderson-Darling Test - The test value, p-value, and critical values for various significance levels for the Anderson-Darling tests.
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test - The test value, p-value, and critical values for various significance levels for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.