Fit Manager

Figure 1 - Fit Manager

The Fit Manager window (Figure 1, right) lists all fitted distributions that are a part of the workbook, not just the current worksheet. From the Fit Manager it is possible to access the configuration for each fit using the More button ( ) or delete a fit entirely using the Delete button ( ).

Deleting a Fit does not delete the data set used in the Fit!

The Fit Manager window includes the following columns:

  • Name- The name of the Fit as configured in the Data tab of the Fit Distributions to Data window.
  • Type- The type - Standard for single data set, or Batch.
  • Location - The fully qualified Excel reference to the range that includes the data set or sets (including the worksheet name).

Fit Manager Settings/Actions

Figure 2 - Topic Text

The Settings/Actions menu (Figure 2, right) of the Fit Manager includes the following options:

  • Create New Fit > Standard Fit - Opens the Fit Distributions to Data window to start a new Fit; same function as selecting Fit from the Fit button.
  • Create New Fit > Batch Fit - Opens the Fit Distributions to Data window to start a new Fit; same function as selecting Batch Fit from the Fit button.
  • Go To Selected Fit - Opens the Fit Distributions to Data window for the Fit currently selected in the list.
  • Delete Selected Fit - Removes the Fit from the workbook; this does not affect the data set used in the Fit.