Summary Graphs
The Summary Views (Figure 1, below) includes two graphing options available within the same window - the summary trend graph and the summary box plot graph, both of which summarize changes across multiple probability distributions. Figure one demonstrates the Summary view with a summary trend graph. Either graph can be created quickly by selecting one or more @RISK elements (inputs or outputs) and then selecting either Summary Box Plot, Summary Trend, or Summary Letter Value option from the Explore Menu, under Summary Graphs.

Figure 1 - Summary View - Summary Trend Graph
When creating a Summary Graph, the resulting graph depends on the active cell selection at the time the graph is created. A few things to note:
- Only @RISK inputs or outputs will be included in a summary graph. If other cells are included in the selection, they will not be included in the graph.
- If a range of @RISK elements (inputs or outputs) are selected, the graph will represent that range of cells.
- If only a single @RISK element is selected, or the selected range only includes a single @RISK element, only that element will appear on the graph.
- If no elements are selected @RISK will prompt for an appropriate selection.
Summary View Command Buttons
The Summary View window includes the following Command Buttons:
Additionally, there are two buttons to toggle the graph display between Summary Trend and Summary Box Plot views. The options are: