Resources Menu

The Resources menu contains links to local and online @RISK documentation, web-links, and technical support information. The menu is organized into three sections:

  • Product Help - Links to the Help Reference, user guides, the End User License Agreement, and the @RISK Readme file.
  • Web Links - Links to Web pages detailing product updates, video help resources, and on-demand training options.
  • Technical Support - Tools for getting help with @RISK.

Help Reference

The @RISK documentation is divided into two main parts: the help reference, and the help guides.

The most important part of the @RISK documentation system is the Help Reference, which contains comprehensive information about the product. It is primarily meant to accessed in a context-based manner. That is, it is not designed to be read front-to-back, but instead designed to help accomplish specific tasks from within whatever window or dialog is currently being used.

There are several ways to access the Help Reference. First and foremost, within each window of the @RISK application, click the Help button (or press the F1 key) to jump directly to details about that particular part of the product. Second, Choosing the Help Reference command from the Resources menu links to the root of the help system, from where a multi-level hierarchy of topics can be accessed.

The Help Reference has a shortcut directly on the @RISK ribbon ( ).

The help reference is available in both online and local configurations. Online help, which is the default, has the advantage of continual updates and improvements from Palisade. The local help system is appropriate for systems that are running without access to the internet. To change between online and local help, go to the General Preferences window.

Help Guides

In contrast to the help reference, help guides are small PDF documents designed to be read front-to-back, and optionally printed out. There are four help guides installed with @RISK:

  • Getting Started Guide – This guide is designed for the new user. It discusses the basics of creating Monte Carlo spreadsheet models in @RISK, simulating them, and analyzing the results.
  • @RISK 8 Transition Guide – This guide is designed for the experienced @RISK user who is interested in learning how @RISK 8 differs from previous versions of the software.
  • License/Installation Guide – This guide is designed to help address issues with the installation and licensing of @RISK. There is a brief section written for the individual user, installing @RISK on his or her own machine. A second, larger section is dedicated to the IT professional who needs to install and manage the installation of @RISK on an academic or corporate network.
  • XDK Automation Guide – This guide is designed for users who want to automatic @RISK using VBA or .net languages. See the XDK section below for more information.

@RISK Excel Developer's Kit (XDK)

@RISK includes a powerful automation interface called the @RISK Excel Developer’s Kit, often abbreviated as the @RISK XDK, which allows for the automation of @RISK using VBA or .NET languages, or even to build custom applications centered around @RISK functionality.

There are several resources available to help get started using the XDK:

  • XDK Automation Guide - This guide contains an overview of the XDK and how to write a first XDK program.
  • References – There are two reference documents, one for the core functionality of @RISK and one specifically for the automation of RISKOptimizer. These documents list each object, method and property available for use in the XDK.
  • XDK Tutorial - A tutorial on how to utilize the XDK, including a model before the XDK code was added and the "final" version of the tutorial output that includes the XDK code.
  • XDK Examples – These demonstrate all the fundamental XDK concepts. Many of these are discussed in the XDK Automation Guide.

Technical Support

There are three items on the Resources menu dedicated to tech-support:

  • Knowledgebase – A link to Palisade’s online knowledgebase, which contains up-to-date troubleshooting information. When experiencing problems, this is a good first place to check.
  • Contact Support – Creates an email using the system’s default email client, addressed to Palisade’s technical support department and prepopulated with basic information about the installed version of @RISK and Excel. After filling in the remaining details of the problem, Palisade’s technical support team will be happy to assist.
  • Product Diagnostics – This utility is meant to be used under the guidance of a Palisade technical support representative. It collects detailed information about @RISK’s running environment (OS version, Excel version, etc.) and enables runtime logging in order to help Palisade troubleshoot any difficulties with the product.