Goal Seek Options

Figure 1 - Goal Seek Options Window

The Goal Seek analysis can be configured further by clicking the Advanced Options tab at the top of the window; this will switch to the Goal Seek Options window (Figure 2, right), where the following configurations are available:

  • Comparison Accuracy - Determines how close the actual solution must be to the target statistical value. This sets the range around the target value that is acceptable for the output statistic. Any result within this range is accepted as achieving the goal.
    • Percent of Target Value - Specifies the accuracy as a percentage of the target value.
    • +/- Actual Value - Specifies the accuracy as the maximum difference between the goal and the output statistic found by Goal Seek.
  • Maximum Number of Simulations - Specifies the number of simulations Goal Seek will attempt while trying to meet the goal. If a solution is found before all simulations are completed, the procedure will stop and the Goal Seek Status dialog will be displayed.
  • Generate Complete Simulation Results for Solution - When this option is selected, Goal Seek will perform an additional simulation using the value for the changing cell it has determined as the solution, after that solution has been found. The statistics for that simulation are displayed in the Results Summary window.