Time Series Commands

The Time Series button includes all functionality for adding Time Series models to an @RISK model. The Time Series commands cover two broad categories. The first is defining a time series function, similar to defining a distribution function. The second is for fitting a time series model to an existing data set or data sets, similar to the distribution fitting process for other types of data. See About Time Series for more information on the differences between time series data and distribution data, and key differences between a times series model versus a probability distribution.

Clicking the Time Series button provides these options:

  • Define - Add or edit an @RISK time series function for the selected range of cells; see Define Time Series.
  • Fit - Run a fitting process for an existing time-based data set to calculate the @RISK time series function most appropriate for that data; see Fit Time Series
  • Batch Fit - Run the fitting process on multiple data sets in a single process; see Batch Fit Time Series.