Fit Commands

The Fit button includes all commands related to fitting a distribution function to a set of data; fitting is the process of attempting to match an existing set of data to a selected set of distributions to determine which distribution would most likely produce that data set. The fitting process includes both the distribution functions and the parameters capable of producing the given data during simulation.

The Fit button has three primary options available:

  • Fit - For a single data set (a single Excel column), open the Fit Distributions to Data window.
  • Batch Fit - For multiple data sets (multiple Excel columns), open the Fit Distributions to Data window to run the same fitting process for all columns.
  • Fit Manager - Opens the Fit Manager window; all Fits within a workbook can be viewed and managed from this window.

Additionally, when a model is open that has either a Fit or a Batch Fit defined, the Fit menu will have additional sections:

  • Defined Fits - Any existing fits that have been defined for the model will be listed in this section by their Name.
  • Defined Batch Fits - Any existing batch fits that have been defined for the model will be listed in this section by their Name.