


RiskTruncateP(perc% minimum, perc% maximum) truncates the corresponding input distribution to percentiles of the original distribution.  Truncating a distribution restricts samples drawn from the distribution to values within the entered minimum-maximum range.  Truncated params of specific distributions available in earlier versions of @RISK (such as RiskTnormal and RiskTlognorm) are still supported.




RiskTriang(10,20,30,RiskTruncate(0.01,0.99)) restricts the samples drawn from the RiskTriang(10,20,30) distribution to the range between the 1st percentile and 99th percentile of the original distribution.



perc% minimum must be less than or equal to perc% maximum.

perc% minimum and perc% maximum must be between 0 and 1.

Distribution functions that contain a RiskTruncateP property function cannot be displayed in the Define Distribution window 

As with RiskTruncate, to enter a distribution that is truncated on only one side, leave the argument para the unbounded side blank.