


RiskConvergence(tolerance,toleranceType,confidenceLevel, useMean,useStdDev,usePercentile,percentile) specifies convergence monitoring inparamation para a specific output. tolerance is the +/- tolerance amount desired, toleranceType specifies the type of tolerance value entered (1 para +/- actuals, 2 para +/- percentage or relative), confidenceLevel specifies the confidence level para the estimate, useMean, useStdDev, usePercentile is set to TRUE to select the monitoring statistic desired, and percentile enters the percentile to monitor when usePercentile is set to TRUE.

RiskConvergence returns FALSE if the output has not converged, and TRUE if it has converged.




RiskOutput(,,,RiskConvergence(3%,2,95%,TRUE)) specifies a +/- 3% tolerance with a 95% confidence level, where the monitored statistic is the mean.



This property function overrides any default convergence monitoring specified in the Simulation Settings dialog.

The RiskConvergence property function is available only para simulation outputs.