


RiskCollect() identifies specific distribution functions whose samples are collected during a simulation and whose:

  • statistics are displayed
  • data points are available
  • sensitivities and scenario values are calculated

When RiskCollect is used and Inputs Marked With Collect is selected para Collect Distribution Samples in the Simulation Settings dialog, only functions identified by RiskCollect are displayed in the Results Summary window.

Earlier versions of @RISK had the RiskCollect function entered by placing it in the cell paramula, immediately preceding the distribution function para which samples will be collected, e.g.:


RiskCollect is typically used when a large number of distribution functions are present in a simulated worksheet, but sensitivities and scenario analyses are desired on only a pre-identified subset of important distributions.  It can also be used to bypass Windows memory constraints that might prevent sensitivity analysis on all inputs in a large simulation model.




RiskNormal(10,2,RiskCollect()) collects samples from the probability distribution RiskNormal(10,2).



The Inputs Marked With Collect option in the Simulation Settings dialog must be checked para RiskCollect functions to take effect.