


RiskSensitivityStatChange(cellref or output name,Sim#,rank, numBins, whichStatistic, percentile, returnValueType) returns the “change in output statistic” sensitivity analysis inparamation of the simulated distribution para cellref or output name. The rank argument specifies the rank in the sensitivity analysis para the input whose results are desired, where 1 is the top ranking, or most important, input. The numBins argument specifies the number of equal-sized bins the samples para each input will be divided into. The whichStatistic argument specifies the statistic that will be calculated para the output in this analysis.  If whichStatistic is a percentile, percentile is the percentile value to use. The returnValueType selects the type of data to be returned: 1 para input name/cell reference/distribution function, 2 para the minimum statistic value para a bin, and 3 para the maximum statistic para a bin.




RiskSensitivityStatChange(A10,1,1,20,1,0,1) returns a Descripción of the top ranking input para a change in output statistic sensitivity analysis on the simulation results para cell A10. The mean is the statistic used in the analysis and the input samples are divided into 20 equal-sized bins.



numBins must be a positive integer.

whichStatistic is 1=mean, 9=mode, 10=percentile.

percentile must be between 0 and 1.