Browse Window Views

Figura 1 - Browse Results
View Buttons

The Browse Results window includes three different views for the graph panel, controlled by the middle set of Command Buttons (Figure 1, right). Each button is a menu that opens to provide options for the various views available for the graph type. For example, the Distribution View button includes options for the Probability Density, Relative Frequency, and Discrete Probability graphs, among others.

The currently selected view will change its button to its active state, and the currently displayed graph will have a checkmark besides its name in the view menu.

The three views available are:

  • Distribution View - Includes graphing options for Probability Density, Relative Frequency, Discrete Probability, and Cumulative Ascending/Descending graphs, as well as shortcuts to add Cumulative Overlays to the currently selected graph.
  • Sensitivity View - Includes Tornado graphs for Change in Output Statistic, Regression Coefficients, Regression Mapped Values, Correlation Coefficients, and Contribution to Variance as well as a Spider graph for Change in Output Statistic.
  • Scenario View - Includes graphs for the three scenarios configured in Scenario Analysis Settings.

The Simulation Graph section of the Explore Menu includes shortcuts for quickly creating each graph type in a Browse Results window. When selecting a simulation graph, the graph will be created for the currently selected input or output; if the selected cell is not an input or output, @RISK will prompt for one to be selected.

More information about the various types of graphs available can be found in the section Graphing in @RISK.