Simulation Settings

The Settings button opens the Simulation Settings dialog; all settings and configurations related to a simulation run are available from this window. The window has five tabs covering all aspects of a simulation:

Figura 1 - Simulation Settings Window

  • General - Settings for number of iterations and simulations utilized during a simulation run, multiple CPU utilization, and behavior of cells containing @RISK functions. See General Settings.
  • View - Configure what is displayed automatically during and after a simulation is run and how @RISK and Excel behave while a simulation is running. See View Settings.
  • Sampling - Random number generation settings, configurations for @RISK to collect distribution sample data, and Smart Sensitivity Analysis settings. See Sampling Settings.
  • Macros - Configurations for running any macros (if present in the workbook) before, during, or after a simulation run. See Macros Settings.
  • Convergence - Settings for how @RISK will test and monitor convergence during a simulation run. See Convergence Settings.