Write to Excel

Figure 1 - Write Fitted Copula to Excel Window

Writing a fitted copula to a spreadsheet is the final step in the fitting process; clicking the 'Write to Excel' button will open the Write Fitted Copula to Excel window (Figure 1, right).

To use a fitted copula in an @RISK model, give the Copula a Name and select a location for the copula data.

Select how the copula data should be written under'Distributions'; see below for information on unattached and attached copulas.

The Write to Excel window has two sections, each detailed below.


Each copula in a model must have a unique name. Adding a copula to input distributions adds the RiskCopula property function to the @RISK distribution function and the value of the Name field will be used in the property function. For example, the following input:


Is updated as follows when added to a copula named "MyCopula":


Figure 2 - Copula Data

Lastly, a location must be selected to write the copula configuration data (Figure 2, right). Enter a cell reference or use the Select Cell button to configure where @RISK will write the copula data.


Copulas can be created either attached to existing input distributions, or as unattached copulas to which input distributions can be attached manually. When writing a copula to Excel, select whether or not the copula should be attached in the Distributions section.

  • Create an Unattached Copula - Creating an unattached copula will write the copula configuration data (Figure 2, above) to an Excel worksheet but will not connect the copula to any @RISK input distribution functions.
  • When creating an unattached copula, the inputs for that copula must be specified using the Define Copula command before running a simulation. Unattached copulas will not be included in a simulation!

  • Attach Copula to all @RISK Distribution Functions in Range - Select this option to attach the copula to selected @RISK distribution functions. Enter the cell range of the distribution functions that should use the copula, or use the Select Cell Range button. @RISK will update any distribution functions within that cell range to attach them to the copula.