Write to Excel

Figure 1 - Write to Excel Window

Writing a fitted distribution to a spreadsheet is the final step in the fitting process; clicking the 'Write to Excel' button will open the Write to Excel window (Figure 1, right).

To use a fitted distribution in an @RISK model, select the method for selection under 'Select Distribution' and the format for the function under '@RISK Function Format'. Click 'Next >>' and select the cell where the function should be placed. Click 'OK' to complete the process.

The Write to Excel window has three sections, each detailed below.

Function to Add

The last section of the window displays the exact @RISK function that will be inserted into the model, including the parameters that will be used. Changing any configuration in the sections above it will update the function displayed.

Select Distribution

There are two methods for selecting which fitted distribution will be inserted into the model:

  • Best Fit Based on - This option enables a pull-down menu from which a Best Fit Method is chosen. Whichever fitted distribution ranked first using the selected method is the @RISK function that will be inserted.
  • By Name - This option enables a pull-down menu from which a specific function can be selected; please note that only the distributions included in the fitting process will be available in this menu.

@RISK Function Format

There are three types of @RISK functions that can be created from a fitted distribution:

  • Standard - Insert a standard @RISK distribution function that does not update; the function includes the RiskName property function, using the same value given to the Data Set in the initial fit configuration.
  • Linked - Insert an @RISK distribution function that updates every time a simulation is run; this version includes the RiskFit property function which forces the input to rerun the fitting process (as it is currently configured) at the beginning of each simulation.
  • Live - Insert an @RISK function that updates any time there is a change in the underlying data that was used for the fitting process; instead of inserting the @RISK distribution function that has been selected in the 'Select Distribution' section, the RiskFitDistribution function is inserted with references to the data set as well as all necessary parameters to match the current fit configuration. See the function reference for more information.